April Flores banged by a huge black cock
It sure was good to take a few moments to me as I had a look at the top porn categories. I’m always doing everything for others and it was about time I gave myself at least one of these opportunities that I seem to be willing to give to anyone else.
I had a good feeling about what was going to be coming my way and even with all of the prep work that I have done, nothing was going to prepare me for what I was going to be witnessing next. I have always had a certain soft spot for April, she’s just a total cutie and she always seems to be willing to give it everything that she’s got to give.
Still, even with everything that I knew already it wasn’t going to stop my jaw from hitting the ground when I watched on in awe as April Flores gets a BBC. She eats that monster cock up and seems as though she could still do with a little more satisfaction, and you wonder why I love her so much!